

Current job...

 As I told you before I've got a new job last wednesday....
I'm just doing it to pay my trip to Tokyo...
but some people have to do stuff like that to life...can't believe it.
How can work be so cruel?
Above you can see the place I'm working at.
It's a warehouse.
I have to prepare cardboard boxes for medicine..
May sound easy, but it's not easy at all.
It's tiring me out already...and I've just done it for 3 days now.
My hands/fingers/arms are littered with scores & blisters, my bones hurt and I wont even talk about my back & feet.

Hope it's going to end soon...

Company's canteen.


pupsi said...

.. klingt mal wieder nach großer ausbeuterei.. aber ich freue mich für dich.. wegen des geldes <3

Shanna said...

ich mich auch :D und es is ein tolles rate spiel im welchen warenhaus du arbeitest xD

Anonymous said...

denk an das Geld XDD

Anonymous said...

wie lange musst du das denn machen? hoffe du hast das geld bald zusammen!