Currently our local traffic is busy with bypasses, delays and outages....
As my dad is not living far from the city I decided to walk instead of waiting forever.
It's always the same way and I could walk with my eyes closed, but today I noticed something I didn't notice before...this door:
At first I was like "Oh...great work, the animals look cute...ok, they do look a little creepy, too.".
Then I noticed the statue at the top..."Huh? What's that in the boy's hand...? Is it some kind of vegetable? They didn't cover his lil friend at all."
Two steps back, wide eyes.
"This holding a piece of an arm....HIS arm....WTF?!?!"
They even formed his waving, ruptured skin/meat!!!!!
I know art is full of stuff like that...and usually I'm a person who tends to like sculptures like that.
But this door...was kinda shocking me.
I mean...could you live at a place like that?
It's kinda strange...
A few steps later I noticed (or hallucinated) the scream of a gagged woman...I was walking with my head bending down, because the sun was shining too strong and I didn't want to go blind.
I listened to music and the volume is like 'I can hear the most important things around me, but nothing else"
So why should I notice a gagged, screaming woman...?
I didn't even dare to take a look into her direction, I just walked a few steps faster where someone was knocking on a window right beside my head.
Shocked Mutsumi walked faster, almost crashed with a guy saying "Hey~ What's up?" and hurried to fudge an ambulance....
What a strange moment.
Und ich dachte immer mdie perversen Engel in meinem Hausflur sind die einzigen >///<
Aber die betatschen sich gegensetig XD
Creepy.....just..super creepy!
O___________o like WTF?! Wer kommt auf so ein Motiv bei ner Tür?!
"Hey why dont we put a statue of a guy on top of that door ripping his arm off?"
"Dude, That is...brilliant! Just brilliant!"
O_O sieht so aus, als er ne lange affenarm und ist gebrochen o_O..
.. haha aidyl XD
mir gefällt der türrahmen sehr. klar, unheimlich, allein schon, weil die figur sehr kindlich wirkt.. und wir alle sind durch diverse filme nicht auschl. positiv auf kleine kinde rin filmen (horrorfilmen) gepolt XD..
ich würde mich gern mit dem künstler unterhaltn. interessant !
das ist ein "normaler" wohnunghseingang ? o,,o
sieht sehr wichtig aus..
warse geschockt, die kleine akira ;B (ahiag..)
dass dich sogar ein fremder auf dein verhalten anspricht..
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