10. Now please choose 5 instances of big news from 2007. Now then, number 5!Attaining body fat percentage in the ones column.
11. Number 4!Ryo got braids.
12. Number 3!A friend's child was born safely.
13. Number 2!The "Satoshi getting stuck in the bathroom in Germany" incident.
14. And the number one news story of 2007?The "Ni running around wildly in Germany" incident.
18. What was the saddest thing of 2007?My iPod got destroyed.
29. What was the best far away place of 2007?Germany.
33. Even though we're being wordy let's continue, who was was your favorite in 2007?As always,
Tsuchiya Anna.
53. Can you put up with the sound of nails on a chalkboard?I die. I also die from the squeaking sound of a felt tip pen.
75. If you could meet a historical figure one time, who would it be?I want to punch Hitler.
77. Do you smoke? Die!
78. Do you like alcohol? Die!
92. One phrase for Ni-san.Drink more alcohol until you get to heaven.
93. One phrase for Shuu-san.Thanks for everything.
94. One phrase for Ryo-san.Come and get it.
[die sätze sin wohl verdammte insider...xDD]
7. When you compare yourself to an animal, what would you be?THE bird.
[mit der nase auf jeden fall xDDDD]
26. What was the most surprising thing of 2007?When we were invited to Wacken. I really felt like I was gonna cry.
31. What did you notice or realize the most in 2007?Foreigners are so big…
41. What was the biggest blunder of 2007?In Germany I got too drunk and I was annoying. I’m sorry.
5. What can you say about your personality in one phrase?I've heard that I'm a gentleman. lol
7. When you compare yourself to an animal, what would you be?I think I'd be a dog, but the fans say I'm more like a cat.
16. In 2007, what was your favorite memory of a live and the reason?It was probably our oneman in Berlin. We were able to play in front of 2500 fans, who gathered there just for us.
26. What was the most surprising thing of 2007?In Germany, it's still bright even at 9pm.
29. What was the best far away place of 2007?Germany~.
41. What was the biggest blunder of 2007?Getting lost in Germany's MTR...
53. Can you put up with the sound of nails on a chalkboard?I love that sound!
82. Do you like singing?I love it.
86. What is the main essential for a live?BEER. It gets me goin'!
93. One phrase for Nii-san.You drink too much, so be careful.
94. One phrase for Shuu-san.One time please live as a man-dog.
98. One word to your past self.You sucked!!!
99. One word to your future self.I really respect you RYO-san!
[...süß xD"]
aber schade dass das von shuu nich dabei is ;^;
un nu allgemeine:
2. What did you want to be when you were a kid?Satoshi: Ultraman.
Ni: I can't remember.
Shuu: Cloud.
Ryo: Ultraman.
10. If you could meet and talk with anyone, who would it be? Satoshi: Tsuchiya Anna.
Ni: I'm not really interested in talking with anyone.
Shuu: Junji.
Ryo: YOSHIKI-san
12. What have you realized is one of your bad habits?Satoshi: I don't know.
Ni: I play with my hair.
Shuu: Messing with my nose piercing.
Ryo: Saying, "dammit".
17. What is your fetish?Satoshi: Leg fetish.
Ni: Glasses and nails.
Shuu: Legs I guess?
Ryo: Boobs.
[xDDDDDDDDDD ni wtf?!]
21. If you were a woman, would you date yourself? Why or why not.Satoshi: I wouldn't. I'm too selfish.
Ni: I would hate it. I'm a troublesome type of guy.
Shuu: I would date myself because I seem fun.
Ryo: I would date myself. It's because I'm affectionate.
un doch noch was von shuu:
13. Favorite food Cigarettes
14. Disliked food Carrots are for horses
19. Favorite type of fashion on a girlFashion that indicates an attention to fashion
20. Your ideal dateFishing
26. Right now, who is the person you'd most like to meet Junji
*Support bassist for lynch.
43. If it was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
Sleep naked
44. Image of the ideal man
A guy with gold accessories, gold teeth, and a panchi-perm
*panchi-perm is a hair style from the 70's. Real hot.
Way that you sleep?Holding a pillow
Do you cook? If so, what's your specialty? I do. Curry udon.
so, das wars xD
shuu = ❤!