

1 1/2 years ago...Tokyo

Good evening

Ah~ I hope you're feeling better than I do (ノДT)
My legs hurt so bad, I'm feeling extremely outworn and my head started to hurt a few minutes ago too...
I guess my nervousness is taking over my whole body; exams start in 2 days. (and I'm totally not in the mood to study anymore omg)

Well, today I'd like to share the last pieces of memory from my trip to Tokyo in Dec 2010/Jan 2011 (those photos I didn't post yet are super random though)



Signed Calmando Qual Poster

Train arrival

Arashi again!

Shia's love: Matsujun

Heading to Sunshine City

Shonen-ai promotion!

HUB Ikebukuro

And those addicting places I could never resist...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw I hope you get over your nervousness soon, it's always stressful when exams are around the corner eh?
Also nice photos, I want that Shounen-Ai poster *_* haha